admin/ julio 30, 2020/ Uncategorized/ 0 comentarios

What are the most common threats?

Cyberwar: This is an attack whose purpose is usually political

Cyberterrorism: creating an atmosphere of terror among citizens. One of the great fears of today’s society is losing stability because of it.

Cybercrime: hackers access protected computer systems and try to make financial gains

Phases of cybersecurity

Protecting oneself from the dangers of the current era implies carrying out cybersecurity processes that are based on their effectiveness, and to do so, it is necessary to know the phases in which to apply them. We can divide the process into three specific phases that are usually the subject of the master’s degree in business security: prevention, location and reaction.

  • 1. Prevention: The first step is always prevention, which will greatly reduce the margin of risk. Therefore, we must act early and be informed of everything that can happen to our system. Determining the possible threats and what the prevention and reaction measures will be in case we are affected by one of them, will allow us to be more prepared. It is essential that the employees of the business have a basic knowledge of cyber security. They must know the different tools that are used and how to guarantee their maximum level of security so that they do not make mistakes that could open the way to the entrance of hackers.
  • 2. Location After prevention, in the case of having suffered some kind of problem, it will be necessary to locate where the problem lies. To do this, the best tool is to have a powerful antivirus that helps us detect the attack in real time and concentrate on it immediately. Locating the attack or infection is not as easy as it may seem, since hackers are aware of the use of antivirus and what they do is work in such a way that their attacks can go unnoticed. In some cases, it can take more than 100 days from the time the attack occurs until the company detects it. In order to try to reduce this problem as much as possible, we must concentrate on two aspects: managing the vulnerabilities of our system and, on the other hand, carrying out continuous monitoring.
  • 3.  Location After prevention, in the case of having suffered some kind of problem, it will be necessary to locate where the problem lies. To do this, the best tool is to have a powerful antivirus that helps us detect the attack in real time and concentrate on it immediately. Locating the attack or infection is not as easy as it may seem, since hackers are aware of the use of antivirus and what they do is work in such a way that their attacks can go unnoticed. In some cases, it can take more than 100 days from the time the attack occurs until the company detects it. In order to try to reduce this problem as much as possible, we must concentrate on two aspects: managing the vulnerabilities of our system and, on the other hand, carrying out continuous monitoring.
  • 4.  Reaction: Once we have located the threat, we will have to give a technical response about it and for that the ideal is to follow five steps. We will start by disconnecting the computers from the network and then we will install an antivirus that can satisfy the needs or we will update the one we already had. Then, we will carry out an analysis of the system and make changes to all passwords. Finally, it will be crucial to perform a thorough cleaning of the system to check that there is no longer any danger. In the event that data or confidential information has been stolen from us, we will also have to proceed in the appropriate manner to communicate this to the affected users and elevate what has happened to a situation of computer crime.
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